High Intensity Roll Magnetic Separator

Roll Magnetic Separator is a kind of dry magnetic separator with a high area severe, fixed magnet, roll -type. Roll Magnetic Separator is used in the enrichment and purification of low magnetic susceptibility materials with grain size between 0.1-25 mm. The rare soil elements used in production are stronger than their similar to the magnets made of alloy. With this feature and special magnet sequences, high gravitational forces consist of magnetic rolls. The high magnetic gravitational forces obtained make it possible to separate the magnetic minerals of low magnetic susceptibility and very thin sizes with high efficiency.

Working Principles and Usage Areas

The machine consists of a general structure of the carrier chassis, feeding chamber, nutrient, magnetic and passive rolls, product transport tape, drive engine and control panel. Roll Magnetic Separators are usually used after breaking and eliminating processes. A smooth flow of the minerals with a -25 mm size and 5 %moisture ratio of these processes is provided on the carrier band with the help of feeding and nutrition.

The carrier tape moves on a magnetic and a non-manic roll. When the product moving on the carrier tape reaches the magnetic roll, non-magnetic particles are thrown with the help of centrifugal force and divided into non-manic material shot. Magnetic particles continue to be carried on the band until the magnetic force of the roll is survived by the effect of the magnetic roll. The particles survived this force are transferred to the magnetic material shot. It is also used in ore enrichment operations in the irorrization of ceramic raw materials and industrial raw materials. In addition, high -quality quartz cleaning magnesite enrichment is used for evaluation of coast or mineral sand, lime stone dolomite cleaning, cleaning of casting sand, cleaning of refractory raw material, boron enrichment chromite enrichment, bauxite, feldspar cleaning, clay cleaning, glass sand cleaning.

Standard/Special Accessories

  • Antistatic Kewlar Band from Fabric,
  • The drive system directly acup motor or the coupling linker,
  • Inventor Drive drive unit,
  • Stainless steel adjustable scraper knife,
  • The speed that provides proper disintegration of the material is a pan with a verbal vibration pan or Feedroll, which allows proper distribution of fine materials.
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