Twin Drum Magnetic Separator


Twin drum magnetic separators are designed to save space in the facility. They are lighter systems that cover less volume according to their function. Double separation is made with a single machine using two drums. The process of two dry magnetic separators undertakes a single machine. They are often used for magnetic separation of micronized products poured in dry state. There are two magnetic material outputs and 1 non -magnetic material output shots. The material is given from the upper part of the separator.

Working principle

The material is poured into magnetic drums. Non -magnetic parts are poured down from the middle compartment without being affected by the magnetic field. The magnetic parts are kept by the magnetic field force in the drums and excreted from the two sides of the magnetic field.

Usage Areas

  • food
  • Coal,
  • Plastic,
  • Recycling facilities

etc. It is used in businesses.

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