Product description:
The purpose of the use of hydrocyclone; to provide grain size classification.
Working Principle:
The juicy mixture is fed by oral cyclone under pressure. As the feeding element enters the chamber, the juicy mixture in the cyclone begins to rotate and accelerates the movement of the particles towards the outer wall by causing the cingular force. The particles turn from the cylindrical part to a spiral layout and into the conical section. At this point, smaller particles proceed towards the emergence and with the spiral movements of the upper material output (vortex founder) moves up and outward from the overflow pipe. Larger mass particles protect the downward spiral movement along the walls of the conical section and are gradually excreted from the tap.
Structural feature of hydrocylone:
- Hydrocyclone interior coating material, alumina ceramic is used.
- Reasonable flow path, smooth inner surface and probably less leakage point
- It allows good classification efficiency, simple installation and easy care.
- The output of the upper material and the fact that the tap can be easily replaced is a great advantage for on -site maintenance.